
Live 9.3 Devotionals (for Sunday 7/30) – Thursday


Key Ideas


Faith Fact

I can forgive others.


Faith Verse

2 Corinthians 5:17 (NLT)

Anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun!


Question of the Day: How should we react when someone wrongs us?

Read about It

Read: Genesis 50:14–21

Joseph had experienced many wrongs against him. His jealous brothers sold him into slavery, he was wrongly accused, and he was thrown in prison. He could have been angry and bitter, even after God made him second-in-command over all of Egypt. Instead, Joseph generously provided for his brothers and their families, even after their father, Jacob, died. Joseph knew that God used those terrible times to save his family, so he could forgive the terrible things his brothers had done.

The way Joseph’s brothers treated him was terrible, but Joseph was able to forgive them. How was he able to do that? Joseph continued to love God and others even when he was a slave, in prison, and in a place of power. He knew that God’s plan and purpose worked through his brothers—even when they sinned against him. Maybe our forgiveness to others when they hurt us will be the very thing that helps them see Jesus.

Talk about It


Question 1. What did Joseph say to his brothers who were afraid of what he might do to them?

Answer 1. “Don’t be afraid. I will continue to take care of you and your children.” (Genesis 50:21)


Question 2. How would you feel if you had to go through what Joseph went through?

Answer 2. Answers will vary.


Question 3. Why do you think Joseph was able to forgive his brothers?

Answer 3. Answers will vary.


Question 4. How can our forgiveness be a witness to others?

Answer 4. Answers will vary.


Question 5. How should we react when someone wrongs us?

Answer 5. We should forgive them.



Pray about It

Dear Jesus, thank You for carrying us through every hard time. I pray that I can be like Joseph and offer forgiveness to others. Help me to see You working in every situation—good or bad. Thank You that we can offer forgiveness and mercy to others, just like You have done with us. I love You, Jesus. Amen.