
Learn 9.3 Devotionals (for Sunday 7/24) – Wednesday



Key Ideas


Faith Fact

I will lead others.


Faith Verse

Matthew 28:19 (NLT)

“Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.”

Question of the Day: Why should we have friends who help us grow in our faith?

Read about It

Read: 2 Timothy 3:10–11

In order to get to know someone, you have to spend time together. It’s not good enough just to have a quick conversation in the hallway at school or send them a quick text every few months. To get to know people, you have to spend time with them. And to get to know God, you have to spend time with Him—and other people who love God.

As we spend time with people who love Jesus, we can learn from them and help one other grow to be more like Jesus. Your friend may go through a hard time, and you can encourage him because you’ve gone through something hard, too. Or maybe you have some questions about God, and your friend has asked the same questions. She may have some help to share with you. As we spend time in relationship and friendship with other Christians, we can help to encourage each other in our relationship with God.

Talk about It


Question 1. How do you think Timothy knew so much about Paul?

Answer 1. Timothy had spent time with Paul.


Question 2. What are some things Timothy got to know about Paul?

Answer 2. What he taught, how he lived, what his purpose in life was, his faith, his patience, his love, his endurance, and the persecution and suffering he had endured (2 Timothy 3:10–11)


Question 3. Why do we need friends who will encourage us and lead us toward Jesus?

Answer 3. Answers may vary.


Question 4. How can we be the kind of friend who leads others to Jesus?

Answer 4. Answers may vary.


Question 5. Who are some friends that you can talk with about Jesus?

Answer 5. Answers may vary.


Pray about It

God, help me to surround myself with people who are leading me to grow in my relationship with You. Help me to be that same kind of friend to others. Amen.