
Learn 7.1 Devotionals (for Sunday 4/24) – Thursday


Key Ideas


Faith Fact

God helps me when bad things happen.


Faith Verse

Philippians 4:13 (NLT)

For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength.


Question of the Day: How does God help me face bad things that happen to me?

Read about It

Read: Philippians 1:27–30

Do you know how lions hunt other animals? Lions target animals that are separated from their herd, isolated and alone. The lions stalk their target, stealthily creeping closer until they are within striking distance. It’s important for herds to stay strong together to survive.

Satan, our enemy, would like us to feel as if we are going through something unique and there’s no one we can talk to. This is a trick, a lie to separate us from other believers who can provide support and encouragement. Even when we suffer, we can trust Jesus to always be there for us and to understand what we are facing. He knows how we feel because He, too, has suffered. When we share our struggles with other believers, they can encourage us, pray with us, and help us keep our focus on God. They can also tell us how God has helped them through something like what we’re facing.

Talk about It


Question 1. How can having other believers around us when we are going through hard times be helpful?

Answer 1. They can provide support and encouragement. They can tell us how God helped them through something like what we’re facing.


Question 2. Who will ultimately save us regardless of difficult times?

Answer 2. God (Philippians 1:28)


Question 3. What kinds of struggles can you share with other believers?

Answer 3. Answers may vary.


Question 4. Who points you to God in your difficult times?

Answer 4. Answers may vary.



Question 5. How can you encourage others who are going through difficult times?

Answer 5. Answers may vary.


Pray about It

Jesus, thank You that I am never alone, not even in difficult times. Help me to reach out to other believers when I am struggling and help me to give godly support to those who reach out to me. Amen.