
Learn 10.3 Devotionals (for Sunday 8/28) – Monday


Key Ideas


Faith Fact

Jesus gives me a choice.


Faith Verse

1 Corinthians 2:9 (NLT)

“No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined what God has prepared for those who love him.”


Question of the Day: If Jesus asked if you believe in Him, what would you say?

Read about it

Read: John 5:24–30

The most important decision you will ever make is choosing to follow Jesus and asking Him to forgive your sins. That’s because everyone will stand before Jesus someday. Bible verses like John 5:28–29 tell us this. Jesus will ask each person if they believed in and followed Him. That means He will ask you, too! What’s your answer?

Jesus said that those who believe in God will live eternally with Him. They will live doing good things because they know and love God. When they die, they will live with Him forever in heaven. God loves us so much that He has given us the choice to accept His gift of salvation. What will you choose? No one can choose for you. Your parents can’t, your pastor can’t, only you can. God can help you make the right choice. Just ask Him!

Talk about It


Question 1. What will happen to those who listen to and obey what Jesus says and believe in God?

Answer 1. They will have eternal life. (John 5:24)


Question 2. Who is the Son of God mentioned in these verses?

Answer 2. Jesus


Question 3. Who will hear the voice of the Son of God?

Answer 3. Everyone, including people who have died (John 5:28)


Question 4. What authority has God given to Jesus?

Answer 4. The authority to be the judge of everyone (John 5:27)


Question 5. Why is our choice to follow God important?

Answer 5. Where we will spend eternity is determined by our choice.



Pray about It

Dear God, thank You Lord for the gift of salvation. Thank You for loving me so much that You sent Jesus to die for me so that my sins can be forgiven, and I can have eternal life through Him alone. God, I pray that my life will reflect Your love for me to others so they can know You. Amen.