Join us today as Pastor CJ shares a message titled Taking the Stew Out of Stewardship part 5
- People spend 50% of their time thinking about money according to one study
- Money is the 2nd most talked about thing in the Bible (2nd only to love)
- 2,350 verses in the Bible are related to money
- 16 out of the 38 parables of Jesus in the bible are related to money
- Malachi 3:7-12
- When we return to the biblical tithe, we will be blessed
- Maybe not financially but there are many ways God will bless us
- Do you rob God? When we hold back our tithe that is exactly what we are doing
- Is it possible to rob God and not be aware of it? Yes but we are still responsible
- Tithe literally means means 10th
- There are 3 types of tithes
- levitical Tithe
- Numbers 18:23-24
- Tithe to support the work of the Lord and those in Ministry
- Festival Tithe
- Deuteronomy 12:4-7
- Tithe to bring people together and promote unity
- Poor Tithe
- Deuteronomy 14:28-29
- Tithe to help those less fortunate than you (benevolence fund)
- levitical Tithe
- Bible also talks about Offerings which are above and beyond our tithe (Exodus 25:1-2)
- Some people say they can’t afford to give, but really you can’t afford NOT to give