
Live 7.3 Devotionals (for Sunday 5/21) – Wednesday


Key Ideas


Faith Fact
I will keep growing closer to God.

Faith Verse
Ephesians 6:13 (NLT)
Put on every piece of God’s armor so you will be able to resist the enemy in the time of evil. Then after the battle you will be standing firm.

Question of the Day: What daily choices can you make to stand strong for God?

Read about It

Read: 1 Kings 3:3–14; 11:9–13

Solomon was King David’s son and a great king of Israel. At the beginning of his reign, he didn’t ask God for wealth or possessions. Instead, he asked for wisdom to rule God’s people. Because of this, God blessed him abundantly. He had wealth and riches. He built the temple of the Lord and a beautiful, majestic palace. People came from far and wide to hear his wisdom. He sacrificed to the Lord and dedicated the temple to God. Solomon had absolutely everything, and it all came from God. While Solomon started strong, he did not finish well. He sacrificed to the gods of his wives. God had warned him against this, but Solomon disobeyed. The entire kingdom felt the effects of this leader’s disobedience.

Why did Solomon let his heart turn away from God? Solomon turned away from God because of the daily choices that he made. One little bad choice probably didn’t seem like a big deal, especially when he had done so many great things. But one little choice can lead to another and another. And eventually, they can lead away from God. While bad decisions can lead us away, good decisions made each day help us to stand firm. Reading our Bible, praying, worshipping, giving, and serving are all excellent choices. Also, standing on God’s promises, telling Jesus how much we love Him, and making space for Him to work in our life keeps us strong in faith. The daily choices we make to follow Jesus will keep us strong all of our life.

Talk about It


Question 1. What did Solomon ask for?
Answer 1. Wisdom (1 Kings 3:10)


Question 2. How did Solomon describe himself that showed his need for God’s help?
Answer 2. He said that he was “like a little child who doesn’t know his way around.” (1 Kings 3:7)


Question 3. Why was most of the kingdom taken away from Solomon’s family?
Answer 3. He did not keep God’s covenant or obey God’s decrees. (1 Kings 11:11)


Question 4. Is it okay to do some things God says are wrong as long as we’ve done lots of good things? Why?
Answer 4. No, any time we disobey God it is wrong.


Question 5. What daily choices can you make to stand strong for God?
Answer 5. Answers will vary.


Pray about It

Dear Jesus, I want to obey You and do mighty things for You. Please help me to love You more than doing great things for You. I want to obey and worship You always. In this way, I can forever stand strong for You. I love You, Jesus. Amen.