
Live 7.3 Devotionals (for Sunday 5/21) – Monday


Key Ideas


Faith Fact
I will keep growing closer to God.

Faith Verse
Ephesians 6:13 (NLT)
Put on every piece of God’s armor so you will be able to resist the enemy in the time of evil. Then after the battle you will be standing firm.

Question of the Day: How can you stand strong against pressure from the crowd?

Read about It

Read: Luke 23:13–25

Pilate had a hard choice to make. Should he send Jesus to die or should he let Him live? Several times, Pilate told the religious leaders that he thought Jesus was innocent. The priests and the crowd kept fighting back. Rather than being strong and following through on what he knew to be true, Pilate at first refused to make a decision. He sent Jesus to Herod Antipas, who mocked and ridiculed Jesus. When Herod sent Jesus back to Pilate, he listened to the Jewish leaders and the crowd. He finally gave in and sent Jesus to be crucified. Pilate knew the truth, but he was more concerned about what the crowd wanted.

Who is the “crowd” in your life? Many people will try to pressure you into believing the way they do. They may seem nice or even right. But is what they’re saying the truth? God’s Word can help us stand firm against the crowd. We can’t just use our feelings to make our stand. Our heart and mind must know and love the truth in God’s Word and then stand on our faith. When the crowd is loud, let God’s voice be louder so we can stand strong and follow Him.

Talk about It


Question 1. Did Pilate believe Jesus was guilty or innocent?
Answer 1. Innocent (Luke 23:14)


Question 2. Why do you think Pilate listened to the crowd instead of the truth?
Answer 2. Answers will vary.


Question 3. Who or what is a “crowd” in your life?
Answer 3. Answers will vary.


Question 4. Why do we sometimes listen to other people instead of God?
Answer 4. Answers will vary.


Question 5. How can you stand strong against pressure from the crowd?
Answer 5. Answers will vary.


Pray about It

Dear Jesus, in You, I can stand strong against the crowd. I ask for strength to follow You and know Your truth. Help me to hold tight to Your Word. Thank You that You are the Way, the Truth, and the Life. When the crowd is loud, I want Your voice to be louder. I pray for courage to stand strong and follow You. Amen.