
Live 7.2 Devotionals (for Sunday 5/14) – Wednesday


Key Ideas


Faith Fact
I will keep growing closer to God.

Faith Verse
Ephesians 6:13 (NLT)
Put on every piece of God’s armor so you will be able to resist the enemy in the time of evil. Then after the battle you will be standing firm.

Question of the Day: What does remaining in the vine look like?

Read about It

Read: John 15:1–10

Jesus told His disciples how to be fruitful in the world. The answer was simple—remain in Him. Jesus gave the example of a vine and branches. The vine is the source of water, nutrition, and support for the branches. A branch quickly dies when it is cut and not connected to the vine. We will be fruitful when we remain in God and Jesus remains in us.

Jesus also said that those who remain in Him could ask for whatever they wanted, and He would give it to them. When we stay in Jesus, His desires become ours. Our desires will be for the Kingdom and the spiritual harvest. Jesus will provide everything we need when we grow deep and remain connected to Him. Fruit will become a natural part of our life because that is what branches connected to the vine create.

You grow deeper in God when you remain in Him. How do you know when you are abiding in God? You will see fruit. People will come to Jesus. You will get to share the gospel, and your testimony will help others grow in their faith. You know that you remain in Jesus when you desire more of Him and to do His will. Your heart will love God more and more. You will want to go to church and read God’s Word. Take a look at your life. Do you see that you are remaining in the “vine”? Even if you only see a little bit, remember that God will continue to grow deeper in you when you take steps to remain in Him.

Talk about It


Question 1. Who is the True Grapevine according to the verses you read today?
Answer 1. Jesus (John 15:1)


Question 2. What happens to branches that are cut off?
Answer 2. They are thrown away. (John 15:6)


Question 3. What does God the Father do to care for the branches?
Answer 3. He is the Gardener who gets rid of branches that don’t produce and helps others produce more. (John 15:1–2)


Question 4. How do you grow deeper in God?
Answer 4. Remain in Him. (John 15:4)


Question 5. What does remaining in the vine look like?
Answer 5. Answers will vary.


Pray about It

Dear Jesus, help me to understand how to remain in You. Thank You for being the source of everything I need. Please take away what keeps me from remaining in You. Help me to remain fruitful for Your glory and Kingdom. Help me to desire what You desire and ask boldly for Your will. Amen.