
Live 7.2 Devotionals (for Sunday 5/14) – Thursday


Key Ideas


Faith Fact
I will keep growing closer to God.

Faith Verse
Ephesians 6:13 (NLT)
Put on every piece of God’s armor so you will be able to resist the enemy in the time of evil. Then after the battle you will be standing firm.

Question of the Day: Why can we have hope regardless of life’s problems?

Read about It

Read: John 12:23–28

The way a seed grows into what it can become is by going into the ground and dying. Any seed that sits in a packet or on the pavement will never fully grow. Jesus gave this example to His followers to describe what He was about to do. His death was about to be the ultimate sacrifice that would bring life to everyone who trusts in Him. How was He able to do this? Jesus was willing to let go of His own life for the sake of others. Jesus was committed to the will of God the Father, so it didn’t matter what came His way. Jesus was willing to make whatever sacrifice He needed to. He did it because He loves all people and wants everyone to have a relationship with God.

Some followers of Jesus will make the ultimate sacrifice and lose their life for Jesus. Even if we don’t do that, we will face problems and hard times that will test our faith. We can stand firm and grow through these trials when we are deeply rooted in Jesus. Challenges in life can help us to grow closer to God. In every problem we have, we can help others come to know Jesus. Next time you have a problem, let this be your prayer—God, let this problem help me grow closer to You and help others know You too.

Talk about It


Question 1. Who will the Father honor?
Answer 1. Anyone who serves Jesus (John 12:26)


Question 2. How did Jesus’ death bring an abundant harvest?
Answer 2. We can have a relationship with God because of what Jesus did.


Question 3. Why did Jesus give His life on the Cross?
Answer 3. Answers will vary.


Question 4. How can we be positive when we go through problems?
Answer 4. Answers will vary.


Question 5. Why can we have hope regardless of life’s challenges?
Answer 5. Answers will vary.


Pray about It

Dear Jesus, I am so grateful for the sacrifice that You made on the Cross, giving Your life to die in my place. Because of this sacrifice, all of us can choose to follow You. What an honor! Help me to root my faith deeply in You so I can stay standing in all circumstances. I give my life to You. May You receive all the glory. Amen.