
Live 6.3 Devotionals (for Sunday 4/16) – Tuesday


Key Ideas


Faith Fact

I can trust God while I’m waiting.


Faith Verse

Psalm 34:19 (NLT)

The righteous person faces many troubles, but the Lord comes to the rescue each time.


Question of the Day: Why should you trust God while you’re waiting?

Read about It

Read: John 11:1–7, 20–27

When we read this story, it would be easy for us to ask why Jesus waited to go and see Lazarus when he was sick. But Jesus knew what He was doing. Even though Jesus loved Mary, Martha, and Lazarus, He made them wait. He finally went to be with them after Lazarus had died. Jesus asked Martha if she believed He was who He said He was. Jesus was basically asking Martha if she trusted Him.

It’s easy to sometimes doubt God’s timing when we don’t understand what He’s doing. Sometimes, we have ideas in our head as to how we think our story should play out. Then when God does something different, we can be tempted to become impatient, angry, and even bitter toward God. It’s important for us to wait well. It’s normal to have questions for God because we don’t understand why something is happening, But it’s important to remember that He knows what is best and can be trusted. If He’s telling us to wait, He has a reason for it.

Talk about It


Question 1. Why did Mary and Martha want Jesus to come to their home?

Answer 1. They wanted Jesus to come and heal Lazarus. (John 11:3)


Question 2. What happened to Lazarus while Jesus was waiting to go their house?

Answer 2. He died. (John 11:21)


Question 3. Why do you think Jesus waited for several days to go to their house?

Answer 3. Answers will vary.



Question 4. When we have questions for God about things we don’t understand, what should we also remember?

Answer 4. He knows what is best and can be trusted.


Question 5. How do you think Martha felt when her brother died before Jesus arrived?

Answer 5. Answers will vary.


Pray about It

Dear God, sometimes it’s hard when my prayer isn’t answered the way I thought it would be, but I choose to trust You. I know that You are in control, and I choose to wait on You. Amen.