
Live 6.2 Devotionals (for Sunday 4/9) – Tuesday


Key Ideas


Faith Fact

I can trust God to answer.


Faith Verse

Psalm 34:19 (NLT)

The righteous person faces many troubles, but the Lord comes to the rescue each time.


Question of the Day: Why can we trust God to answer us?

Read about It

Read: Luke 1:57–66

Can you imagine how Zechariah and Elizabeth must have felt after John was born? They had served God faithfully in the time when they had prayed to God for a baby and didn’t get the answer they were hoping for. They continued to obey God, and at just the right time God changed their situation. God knew what He was doing. Not only did He have a plan for Zechariah and Elizabeth, but He had a plan for the baby, John, as well. God’s plan was bigger than what Zechariah and Elizabeth could have ever imagined.

The Lord answered their prayers exactly as He had said He would. Everything that God had told them would happen actually happened. God is true to what He tells us, and when He says He will do something, He will. We can depend on Him. When His Word, the Bible, says something, we can trust that it will happen. God’s plan for us is more than we could imagine. Even when it’s hard, we can trust that God knows what He’s doing. He answered and kept His word for Zechariah and Elizabeth, and He will for you too.

Talk about It


Question 1. What did Zechariah and Elizabeth name their son?

Answer 1. John (Luke 1:60)


Question 2. What happened after Zechariah wrote on the tablet that the baby’s name should be, “John”?

Answer 2. Zechariah was able to speak again, and he began praising God. (Luke 1:64)


Question 3. How does it make you feel knowing that God does what He says He will do?

Answer 3. Answers will vary.


Question 4. How has God kept His promises to you?

Answer 4. Answers will vary.


Question 5. Why can we trust God to answer us?

Answer 5. God always keeps His word.


Pray about It

Dear God, thank You that I can depend on You to keep Your word. I trust that You will always answer me when I call. Help me to trust Your plans for my life. Amen.