
Live 5.4 Devotionals (for Sunday 3/19) – Monday


Key Ideas


Faith Fact

I can have faith for others.


Faith Verse

1 Corinthians 16:13–14 (NLT)

Be on guard. Stand firm in the faith. Be courageous. Be strong. And do everything with love.


Question of the Day: How can we act in faith for others?

Read about It

Read: Matthew 18:20; Mark 2:1–12

Four friends were not going to stop until they got their friend to Jesus. They had enormous compassion for their paralyzed friend. But they also knew where they could get answers. Yet, they couldn’t get into the house when they arrived where Jesus was. Did that stop them? No! Searching for a way to get to Jesus, they dug a hole in the roof to lower their friend down to Him. Not only did they have to fight through the crowd and dig a hole, but they also had to do it while carrying around an adult man! Holding up their friend while trying to get to Jesus wasn’t easy. Still, these friends didn’t let anything stop them. Because of this, the man who was paralyzed was healed on that day!

These four friends showed so much love for their friend. They might have had many other things to do that day. Maybe they were tired from carrying him around. Of all the feelings that they had on that day, faith and love were the ones that won!

Do you have a friend who needs healing? Is there someone you know who needs an answer from Jesus? If there is, be the friend who steps up and joins your faith with theirs. Encourage and strengthen them. Like these four friends, don’t give up and keep going until Jesus answers. The Bible says in Matthew 18:20 that when two or three are gathered, God is there among them. Powerful things can happen when we have faith for our friends!

Talk about It

Question 1. How did the friends get the man who was paralyzed to Jesus?

Answer 1. By digging a hole in the roof of the house (Mark 2:4)


Question 2. What did Jesus see in the men who brought their friend to Him?

Answer 2. Their faith (Mark 2:5)



Question 3. Why do you think the friends didn’t stop until their friend was healed?

Answer 3. Answers will vary.


Question 4. How can it be helpful to pray with other Christians?

Answer 4. Answers will vary.


Question 5. How can we act in faith for others?

Answer 5. Answers will vary.


Pray about It

Dear Jesus, right now, I pray for my friends. I love You, and I love them too. I know that You can heal, help, and answer their prayers. Give me eyes to see the needs of my friends. Help me to pray for them. Thank You in advance for all the miracles that You will do when I pray in faith for others. Amen.