
Live 5.3 Devotionals (for Sunday 3/12) – Wednesday


Key Ideas


Faith Fact

I will hold tight to Jesus.


Faith Verse

1 Corinthians 16:13–14 (NLT)

Be on guard. Stand firm in the faith. Be courageous. Be strong. And do everything with love.


Question of the Day: How can we actively trust God in our home?

Read about It

Read: Psalm 91 (Want to read the story about Paul? Acts 27:1, 7–11, 20–26, 30–44)

Psalm 91 makes it clear that when we trust and love the Lord, He will keep us safe and protected. Does this mean we will never have trouble? No. We can see in Paul’s life that we can have difficult and uncertain circumstances sometimes. We often want to solve the problem and get out of the storm. Remember, the sailors tried to escape and figure it out without God! However, instead of looking for a way out, we need to look to God. Psalm 91 tells us to trust in Him and love Him, and He will keep us safe. That’s a promise for all of us!

How can we then actively live in God’s promises? Reading aloud promises, like those found in Psalm 91, can reinforce our trust in the Lord. Every day, whether in a storm or not, we can turn to God first. We can spend time in His Word and pray for His daily strength, protection, and guidance. When other people go through difficult times, we can remember God’s promises and pray for them! Most of all, we need to hold tight to what God says. The enemy comes to try to take away our faith in God, so we must keep on believing, declaring, and taking in the Word of God. Remember, the way to see that God’s promises are true is to see them tested through storms. Let every trial be an opportunity to trust God more!

Talk about It


Question 1. What did the author of this psalm declare about God in verses 2 and 3?

Answer 1. He provides safety, rescue, and protection. (Psalm 91:2–3)


Question 2. Which of these promises in Psalm 91 speaks to you? Why?

Answer 2. Answers will vary.


Question 3. Who can you encourage with these promises today?

Answer 3. Answers will vary.


Question 4. What makes all of these promises ours?

Answer 4. Loving God and trusting in His name (Psalm 91:14)


Question 5. How can we actively trust God in our home?

Answer 5. Answers will vary.


Pray about It

Dear God, I declare Your promises to be true! Just like the author of Psalm 91, I say, “You alone are my refuge, my place of safety; You are my God, and I trust You!” I know You will rescue me, cover me, shelter me, and protect me. I will not fear any evil or any storm. You are always with me! Thank You, God, that I can rest and trust in this promise all the days of my life! Amen.