
Live 5.3 Devotionals (for Sunday 3/12) – Monday


Key Ideas


Faith Fact

I will hold tight to Jesus.


Faith Verse

1 Corinthians 16:13–14 (NLT)

Be on guard. Stand firm in the faith. Be courageous. Be strong. And do everything with love.


Question of the Day: What are God’s promises that we can declare in our storms?

Read about It

Read: Acts 27:1, 7–11

Like most heroes of faith in the Bible, Paul knew that following Jesus sometimes led straight into a storm. Paul was already in a rough spot. He was a prisoner on his way to stand trial in Rome before Caesar, the emperor. Paul knew this was where God was leading him. On his way to trial, Paul saw that continuing the journey meant serious danger. It was the wrong time of the year to be sailing. Paul warned the ship’s officers that there was trouble ahead. Shipwreck, loss of cargo, and danger to their lives was ahead if they kept going. The officer in charge of the ship did not listen, so off they went. Sure enough, a storm hit, and everyone was afraid. But Paul stood before them and proclaimed that trust and courage in the Lord would protect them. He declared that God had promised safety for them even though they would be shipwrecked.

Sometimes we see trials and danger ahead, and sometimes we don’t. We don’t expect someone to get sick, hurt, or die. Problems and challenges come. Friendships are broken. A pet dies. We may lose things important to us. These are all storms of life that we don’t want to go through. But, we can declare God’s promises instead of giving in to fear or despair! We may not always know exactly what will happen, but we do know that God is good. He is faithful and has promised He would never leave us. When Paul saw the storm around him, He trusted in God more than what he knew the storm could do. Storms will happen in our life, and that is for sure. But what gets us through the challenge is holding tight to God’s promises. We can always trust Jesus to lead us through the storm!

Talk about It


Question 1. Why was Paul on the ship?

Answer 1. He was a prisoner on the way to Rome to appear before Caesar. (Acts 27:1)


Question 2. Why do you think the officer in charge of the prisoners listened to the ship’s captain instead of Paul?

Answer 2. Answers will vary.

Question 3. How do you know Paul trusted God in the storm?

Answer 3. Answers will vary.


Question 4. What are some storm sin your life in which you can trust God?

Answer 4. Answers will vary.


Question 5. What are God’s promises that we can declare in our storms?

Answer 5. Answers will vary.


Pray about It

Dear Jesus, thank You for being with me during the storms of life. I know that these storms only make my faith stronger because I can test Your promises and find that they are true. Remind me of Your promises and words daily. Help me to hold tight to You. Increase my faith—especially when things are uncertain and hard. I love You, Jesus! Amen.