
Live 5.2 Devotionals (for Sunday 2/26) – Tuesday


Key Ideas


Faith Fact

I can believe for the impossible.


Faith Verse

1 Corinthians 16:13–14 (NLT)

Be on guard. Stand firm in the faith. Be courageous. Be strong. And do everything with love.


Question of the Day: What happens when we have faith in Jesus?

Read about It

Read: Matthew 8:10–13

When Jesus came to live on earth, many believed He was the Messiah for the people of Israel. Some of them thought that meant He came to set them free from Roman rule. So, when the Roman officer approached Jesus in faith, that was a big deal. Some people may have thought that Romans and those working for them couldn’t experience Jesus’ love and power. Yet, Jesus made it very clear that even people like the Roman officer would also believe in Jesus’ authority and miracles. The Roman officer had great faith! The faith of the Roman officer brought God’s power into his household—his servant was healed! When Jesus did the impossible, it was not just for the Jewish people. Jesus came to save anyone who believes He has the power to do so. This promise includes anyone who believes!

People in your family and church have needs. They all may know Jesus can provide for them. But what about people outside of your church? Will God answer their prayers too? The Roman officer wasn’t Jewish like the other people in the story. For some, he was even considered to be an enemy. However, he showed faith. Jesus said the officer’s faith was not like any He had seen in all of Israel. The Roman officer’s belief impressed Jesus.

So, what can you do to be more like that? First, you should live in a way that shows you have faith in the power and authority of God. Second, you need to share that faith with others so they can believe too. When we do this, God transforms hearts and brings them into His family. Others see these miracles, and more people believe in Jesus!

Talk about It


Question 1. Jesus said that many Gentiles would do what?

Answer 1. They would sit down at the feast of the kingdom of heaven. (Matthew 8:11)


Question 2. How might some people have viewed the non-Jewish Roman officer?

Answer 2. They might have seen him as an enemy.


Question 3. What does this story teach about who can have faith in Jesus?

Answer 3. Anyone can believe in and follow Jesus.


Question 4. How can you live in a way that shows you have faith in Jesus?

Answer 4. Answers will vary.


Question 5. What happens when we have faith in Jesus?

Answer 5. Answers will vary.


Pray about It

Dear Jesus, faith in You brings miracles! I am so thankful that anyone can have this kind of faith. Give me wisdom about how to share this faith with others. I thank You already for the miracles and transformation You will do as I believe in You! All power and authority is Yours. I know that You have the power to answer any prayer from a heart of faith. Thank You, Jesus! Amen.