
Live 5.2 Devotionals (for Sunday 2/26) – Monday


Key Ideas


Faith Fact

I can believe for the impossible.


Faith Verse

1 Corinthians 16:13–14 (NLT)

Be on guard. Stand firm in the faith. Be courageous. Be strong. And do everything with love.


Question of the Day: What is something impossible that you are believing for?

Read about It

Read: Matthew 8:5–9

The Roman officer had incredible faith that impressed Jesus. He didn’t just believe Jesus could heal his young servant; he knew that Jesus could heal him with just a word! Why did the Roman officer have this impressive faith? He understood authority, and seemed to know Jesus had it. Authority is having the ability or influence to make things happen. As a Roman officer, he knew that all he had to do was say a word, and the men under him had to obey what he said. One word meant that it was as good as done. The Roman officer recognized the power and authority that Jesus had. That authority far surpassed his own. Because of this faith, Jesus healed his servant in an instant.

If you have something that breaks, you can often go to someone who can fix it. You go to a teacher or parent when you need help with a math problem. If you are in a difficult situation, you go to someone you can trust. All these people you turn to have a measure of authority. They can fix things. They know more than you, and they are trusted. Even more than these people, Jesus is more powerful, more trustworthy, and has more knowledge. He has all authority in heaven and on earth. Even the wind and waves obey Him! So, there is incredible power when you pray in His name because He has authority. When we ask anything in His name, even when it seems impossible, we ask confidently. Why? Because like the Roman officer, we know Jesus has the authority to heal, restore, and save..

Talk about It


Question 1. Why did the Roman officer come to Jesus?

Answer 1. His servant was paralyzed and in terrible pain. (Matthew 8:6)


Question 2. What does authority mean?

Answer 2. Having the ability or influence to make things happen


Question 3. What was incredible about the Roman officer’s faith?

Answer 3. Answers will vary.


Question 4. How do you know Jesus has all authority?

Answer 4. Answers will vary.


Question 5. What is something impossible that you are believing for?

Answer 5. Answers will vary.


Pray about It

Dear Jesus, You have all authority in heaven and on earth. Thank You that You hear my prayers. I am so grateful that You have all authority and power to answer them. I believe You can do the impossible! Help me to believe more boldly. I rejoice in You now because of who You are. I will rejoice when I see the miracles that I know that You can do. Amen.