
Live 3.2 Devotionals (for Sunday 12/4) – Monday


Key Ideas


Faith Fact

I have a purpose.

Faith Verse

John 20:21

[Jesus] said, “Peace be with you. As the Father has sent me, so I am sending you.”

Question of the Day: What is God’s highest purpose for us?

Read about It

Read: John 1:24–28

Pharisees came to the Jordan River to question John. “What right do you have to baptize?” they asked. However, John was confident in his purpose. He did not argue or try to prove his authority. He simply told them his job and immediately pointed them to Someone greater than him. That was Jesus. John took the attention away from himself. Instead, he put the attention on Jesus!

God has a purpose for each of us in His work. But, our highest purpose is this—we need to point people to Jesus. Whether it is singing on a stage, preaching a message of hope, creating a work of art, running a race, being a good friend, or doing chores, all these things have one purpose. We do them for God’s glory! We do them to bring attention to how good He is! When people have questions, we can answer confidently as John did. We can turn people’s eyes from us to the Savior of the world!

Talk about It


Question 1. What was John doing at Bethany?

Answer 1. Baptizing people in water (John 1:28)


Question 2. What are some purposes that God has for you right now?

Answer 2. Answers will vary.


Question 3. How can you bring attention to Jesus in your life?

Answer 3. Answers will vary.


Question 4. How did John compare himself to Jesus?

Answer 4. “I’m not even worthy to be his slave and untie the straps of his sandal.” (John 1:27)


Question 5. What is God’s highest purpose for us?

Answer 5. Answers will vary.


Pray about It

Dear Jesus, the purpose You have for me is so good! Whatever I do Jesus, I want to bring glory and honor to You. In things people see, let me point to You. In things people don’t see, let me glorify You. It’s all about you Jesus! I love you! Amen.