
Live 1.1 Devotionals (for Sunday 9/18) – Wednesday


Key Ideas


Faith Fact

I can know Jesus.

Faith Verse:

Jeremiah 29:13 (NLT)

“If you look for me wholeheartedly, you will find me.”

Question of the Day: Who does Jesus look for?

Read about It

Read: Luke 15:1–7

Some people around Jesus couldn’t understand why He would want to be with sinners. That’s one reason Jesus told this story. In Jesus’ day, sheep were very valuable. The more sheep you had, the richer you were. So when Jesus told a story about someone leaving ninety-nine sheep behind, it would have got people’s attention. And then to say that someone would do it to go after one lost sheep was teaching something important. It showed how important saving someone who is a sinner is to Jesus.

That’s why Jesus spent time with Zacchaeus. Some people thought Zacchaeus was a terrible person. They didn’t understand that Jesus wanted to reach everyone. Jesus came to look for and save those who need Him (Luke 19:10). That means He pursues everyone, including the worst sinners who have made a lot of mistakes.

Do you have a friend or family member who doesn’t know Jesus? Ask Jesus if there is anything you need to do so this person will come to Him.

Talk about It


Question 1. What did the shepherd look for in the story?

Answer 1. The lost sheep (Luke 15:4)


Question 2. What did the shepherd do when he arrived back home with the lost sheep?

Answer 2. He called together his friends and neighbors to rejoice with him. (Luke 15:6)


Question 3. Who does Jesus look for?

Answer 3. Everyone who needs Him because they need forgiveness for their sins, the mistakes they’ve made (Luke 15:7)


Question 4. Was there ever a time when you felt like Jesus was looking for you? Tell about it.

Answer 4. Answers will vary.


Question 5. How does it make you feel to know that Jesus wants to be your friend, regardless of the mistakes you’ve made?

Answer 5. Answers may vary.


Pray about It

Dear Jesus, thank You for looking for me when I didn’t know You. I pray for those who need to know You. I’m glad You came to look for them and save them. I pray that everyone I know will see You, pursue You, and surrender to You. Amen.