
Live 1.1 Devotionals (for Sunday 9/18) – Monday


Key Ideas


Faith Fact

I can know Jesus.

Faith Verse

Jeremiah 29:13 (NLT)

“If you look for me wholeheartedly, you will find me.”

Question of the Day: How can you get close to Jesus?

Read about It

Read: Luke 19:1–5

Stories of Jesus’ healings and miracles spread quickly. So, it’s not surprising that crowds gathered when Jesus came to a town. Everyone was curious about Jesus. But all the people around Him made it challenging to get close to Him. When Zacchaeus heard Jesus was coming to town, he wanted to see Him. We know Zacchaeus was a Jewish tax collector, which meant many people considered him to be a traitor to his own people. He was also pretty short. That made it difficult for Zacchaeus to even get a glimpse of Jesus, but he didn’t give up! He was determined to see Jesus.

There were probably other people who didn’t get close to Jesus that day, let alone spend time with Him. The story of Zacchaeus reminds us that if we desire to draw close to Jesus, we must look for ways to interact with Him every day. When we read our Bible and talk to Jesus in prayer, it’s like climbing a tree to get closer to Jesus.

Talk about It


Question 1. What did Zacchaeus do so he could see Jesus?

Answer 1. He climbed a tree. (Luke 19:4)


Question 2. If you heard that Jesus was coming to your town, would you go and see Him? Why or why not?

Answer 2. Answers will vary.


Question 3. Do you think Zacchaeus was excited to have Jesus come to his house? Why or why not?

Answer 3. Answers will vary.


Question 4. How would you feel if Jesus chose you out of a crowd and said He was coming to your house?

Answer 4. Answers will vary.


Question 5. How can you get close to Jesus?

Answer 5. Answers will vary.



Pray about It

Dear Jesus, thank You for wanting a relationship with me. Help me to see how I can get close to You. Amen.