
Devotionals (12/4)


Humble Messenger: Isaiah


Read: Isaiah 9:1-7

“Why did you decide to . . . ?”

If you could meet your governor, senator or president, you might have some questions—if you could work up the courage to ask! It’s a big deal to face someone who has such influence.

When that someone is the Creator of the universe, though, there’s really only one thing to say: “Yes, Lord, I’ll do it.”

When God brought Isaiah into His presence, He had a job for the prophet. God despised the injustice and rebellion that Israel’s leaders had perpetrated, so He wanted Isaiah to declare that this conduct would have consequences. Foreign invaders would come and take over Israel’s land.

But there was light on the horizon, too—the Lord would send a new King to Israel. A child would arrive, who would grow to become the counselor and teacher for His people. This Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace, Isaiah assures his people, will be born. God keeps His promises, Isaiah declared. God is passionate about helping His people achieve the purposes He has for them.

And God delivered. Seven hundred years later, God came to live among the people of Israel in the person of Jesus. He set aside, for a time, His heavenly qualities and became human flesh. That future King—the Wonderful Counselor— had arrived!


“Send me!” said Isaiah, even though he wondered if he had what it took to complete God’s assignment. Sometimes you may doubt you are able to do what God asks of you. How can you overcome your fears?


Pray about It

As a family, ask for God’s wisdom to accept His plan for your lives.