Wisdom and Wealth: Solomon
Read: 1 Kings 3:5-13; Ecclesiastes 12:11-14; John 10:10
What if you could put literally anything on your Christmas wish list, and you were assured that you would actually receive it? Would you use that once-in-a-lifetime chance to become a better person—or just become better off? God gave a similar opportunity to Solomon when he became Israel’s new king:
“Ask for whatever you want me to give you” (1 Kings 3:5, NIV).
Many new rulers might have asked for more land or storage buildings full of gold. But Solomon recognized that the people of Israel were not his—they were the Lord’s. And, in a way, Israel’s territory wasn’t really his, either. It had been expanded and protected through the battles his father, King David, had fought and won.
So Solomon knew he would need great wisdom to manage the people and possessions God had entrusted to him. And that’s what he asked for: wisdom to do right.
God was pleased by the request, so He gave Solomon both remarkable wisdom and incredible wealth. But as the years of King Solomon’s reign passed, the wealth and power he had attained corrupted him, also hurting his relationship with God. Solomon realized that the things he valued were ultimately meaningless without doing right in God’s eyes.
But God brought Good News. Many centuries after Solomon’s life, his descendant Jesus arrived. Jesus entered our world of meaningless pursuits and showed us the way to His kingdom—an abundant life of joy and peace for those who follow Him..
Jesus says He wants to give you His abundant life. What does that look like in your life today?
Pray about It
Ask that God would help your family to use the gifts He has given you to advance His intentions for your lives.