Better Together: Reaching Out Together Part 4

Join us today as Pastor CJ shares a message about Better Together: Reaching Out Together Part 4.

God created us to
  1. Magnify Him (worship)
  2. Mature in your relationship with God and with people (discipleship)
  3. Membership
  4. Ministry
  5. Mission

P – Pray together
* connect with others through prayer
* pray for those who are the sought
* pray for divine appointments to share the love of Jesus
A – Appeal to common interest
* Establish relationships with people who have common interests
*  Relationships become the bridge to share Jesus with other people
R – Reach out in love
* have the right motivation when we reach out to other people
* motive for outreach should be love
* God is love
* Why we should reach out
1. Because we have the greatest answer for the word
2. We have hears of gratitude
3. God is love
* We are just one beggar  telling another beggar  where they can get bread
* They will know that we are Christians by your love
* When some in your (Church) family struggles it is your responsibility to help them get back on track
T – Tell our stories
* 1 Peter 2:9
* You are an expert at your story
* When you find people who are struggling with what you struggled with you can express how the love of God lead you  through it
N – Nurture friendships
* Friendships allow us to build bridges from your heart to theirs so Christ can walk across
* Friendships take time and investment
* Most people wrongly gravitate to 2 extremes: isolation / imitation
* The answer is focus on insulation & infiltration
E – Expect God to Act
* We need to learn to dream again
* Need to never give up an anyone / Don’t quit
R – Represent Christ with our lives
* Not living a life that represents Christ can hinder our testimony
* People are looking for something that is different
* Colossians 3 / 1 Thessalonians 4