The Great Rescue

Join us tonight as Pastor Nathaniel shares a message title: The Great Rescue

Key Scripture: Colossians 1:12-14

Time to Let Go and Be Free

Join us tonight as Pastor Vincent shares a message titled: Time to Let Go and Be Free

1. John 8:36
2. John 8: 32
3. 1 John 1:9
4. Isaiah 43:1
5. John 10:10
6. Philippians 1:6
7. Jeremiah 29:11
8. 2 Corinthians 5:17
9. Romans 8:1
10. Psalm 103:11–12
11. Philippians 3:12

Fish Mouth Finance

Join us this tonight as Pastor CJ shares a message titled: Fish Mouth Finance

Key Scripture: Matthew 17:24-27

  1. When you are in need, go to Jesus
  2. God knows our need before we ask
  3. God orchestrates events beyond our control
  4. God’s timing is perfect
  5. You may have some participation in God’s plan for you
  6. God supplies the needs of those who obey Him.

6 Superpowers of The Supernatural Church: Faith

Join us this morning as Pastor CJ shares a message titled: 6 Superpowers of the Supernatural Church: Faith

Key Scripture: Mark 11:20-25

1. The Superpower of Faith only comes from FAITH IN GOD (Mark 11:22)
2. The Superpower of Faith is SPOKEN (Mark 11:23)
3. The Superpower of Faith is through PRAYER (Mark 11:24)
4. The Superpower of Faith…FORGIVES (Mark 11:25)