Missionary Derek Walker

Listen in on this Wednesday message with a special guest speaker Missionary Derek Walker.  He has a word for where ever you are in your walk with the Lord.

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God’s Greatest Desire

Join us today as Pastor Ken shares with us a message entitled  God’s Greatest Desire.

Key Scriptures:

Isaiah 14:12-15
Ezekiel 28:12-16

Bottom line of the Bible is worship!

Satan’s greatest desire is to be worshiped

“Worship” = love expressed

“It is NOT worship if it is not love and it is NOT worship if it is not expressed.” ~Pastor Robert Morris

God’s greatest desire…………It is you!

The Desensitized Desperado: A Lesson in Accountability

Join us today as Pastor CJ share with us The Desensitized Desperado: A Lesson in Accountability.

The heart of accountability: a relationship to God.

The standards of accountability: the Truth of Scripture

The human side of accountability: leaders and the Body

The practice of accountability:
* Scripture
* Prayer
* Share your lives
* Guard your tongue
* Be faithful and dependable

Questions to ask yourself:
* Is there a serious sober reality in my understanding of accountability before God and His word?
* If I wandered who would come after me?

Will the True America Please Stand Up?

Join us today as Pastor CJ shares his Fourth of July Message about the type of people God will use to change our Nation:
1) Those who are willing to stand strong
2) Those who are willing to stand alone/apart
3) Those who are willing to stand true

Responding to Criticism

Join us today as Pastor CJ shares 7 ways Christians should respond to criticism:
1) Be silent
2) Don’t retaliate
3) Put your eyes on God
4) Remember who you are in Christ
5) Examine “Is there truth to the charges?”
6) Remember you are fallible
7) Seek to emulate Christ


Join us today as Pastor CJ shares a father’s day message about being adopted into the family of Christ.