Revelation part 7

Join us today as Pastor CJ continues his message on the book of Revelation.

Key scripture: Revelation 6:9-17

A Model Church: Thessalonica

Listen in to today’s as Pastor Armando from Centro De Cristiano de Rogers share a message A Model Church: Thessalonica

Key Scripture: 1 Thessalonians 1:2-10

  • There are a lot of models in the world today
  • We should be a model for God
  • Looking at Thessalonica as a model Church, there are some reason why they are a model church
    1. Election: God chose them, and they choose to follow
    2. Works of faith and love: working to spread the gospel
    3. The hope they have
  • We should be able to at least as good or better than Thessalonica
  • We have bibles, cell phones, technology that they didn’t have back then
  • Take time to Examine where you are at today

Revelation part 6

Join us today as Pastor CJ continues his message on the book of Revelation.

Key scripture: Revelation 6:3-8

John’s Case for Christ – Part 2

Listen in to today’s as Pastor CJ share a message John’s Case for Christ

Key Scripture: John 2

  • The Predicament: Ran out wine
  • Culturally this would have shown that he may not be able to plan for the future or provide for his wife
  • Mary turn to Jesus to solve the problem
  • Solution: Jesus turns water into wine
  • Result: head waiter says they had saved the best wine for last
  • Purpose: A message for the Church from then until now
  • Better wine is yet to come everyday
  • never stop learning about Jesus…never stop letting him do something new in you everyday
  • Stop looking at the past and being content
  • There is new wine for you everyday
  • Will you let the Lord do a new work in you everyday?
  • Do you get convicted by the Holy Spirit everyday?
  • Do you surrender to that?
  • Do you react to this?

John’s Case for Christ – Part 1

Listen in to today’s as Pastor CJ share a message John’s Case for Christ

Key Scripture: John 2

  • Overview of the book of John
    • John 1: Verbal Testimony
    • John 2-12: Public Ministry
    • John 13-17: Private Ministry
    • John 18-21: Jesus’ Death, resurrection, and post resurrection appearances
  • John alternates between the word of Christ and the works of Christ
  • 9 major miracles are recorded in John
    1. Water into wine
    2. healing dying man
    3. Cures a paralyzed man
    4. creates food for thousands
    5. walks on water
    6. sight for the blind
    7. Raises a man from teh dead
    8. creates a meal
    9. Raises from the dead
  • John 20:30 – There are other signs not recorded
  • John 21:25 – There are too many miracles to record
  • As we look at John 2 and the Miracles of water into wine we can learn many things
  • Jesus is the creator – He created wine out of nothing
  • It happened at a wedding…one of the most important events that happened back then
  • Weddings are a public convent with God
  • Bible calls weddings “the grace of life”
  • Not Grace that saves but common grace
  • Joseph isn’t mentioned (more on this next week) but he is probably dead by this point

Removing the Leaven from Your House

Listen in to today’s as Pastor CJ share a message about Removing the Leaven from Your House

Key Scripture: Exodus 12

  • Leaven (Yeast) symbolized the power of sin in our lives
  • Why use Yeast to symbolize sin?
    1. Bread with yeast in it tastes better (sin “tastes” good too)
    2. Doesn’t take much yeast to change the shape of the dough (doesn’t take much sin to change us)
    3. Yeast makes the loaf look like it contains more than it does (sin can do the same)
    4. Yeast cause the bread to eventually mold and decay from the inside out (so does sin)
  • How can we keep the world out of our house?
  • Don’t be mislead by some common misconceptions
    • You can have a different morality than your children (Children will imitate your actions)
    • A little bit of sin won’t hurt (it doesn’t take much to take root in your life)
    • Removing sin from your life will save you/your family (you still need Jesus)
    • As soon as I feel worthy I will live for God (let Jesus in and he will help you clean)

Jude’s Letter

Join us today as Dr. Jim Blankenship talks about Jude’s letter and how it applies to us today and the structure of three within it.

Key scripture: The book of Jude