Prayer 4 Our Nation with Pastor CJ
Hispanic Weekend Revival in Centerton …Centro Cristiano de Centerton @ Newsong!
Hispanic Weekend Revival in Centerton …Centro Cristiano de Centerton @ Newsong!
New Level, New Devil
Join us today as Pastor CJ shares a message on titled New Level, New Devil.
Key scriptures: 2 Samuel 5:17-21
- Going to a higher level
- What is “going to a higher level?”
- Why seek to go to a higher level?
- The challenges of a new level
- New level, new devil
- The enemy doesn’t account for the anointing of God
- God’s three anointings to assist David
- God is a God of the breakthrough
- The turning point
- The tides of victory loosed
The Name is Everything
Join us today as Pastor CJ shares a message on titled The Name is Everything.
Key scriptures: Pilippians 2:5-11
- Names are important
- They give us identity
- They can be self-fulfilling
- Names in the Bible have spiritual significance
- 5 E’s of he Name of Jesus
- It’s an EASY name
- It’s an ENDURING name
- It’s an ESTEEMED name
- It’s an EXCLUSIVE name
- It’s an EMPOWERING name
- If you call on Jesus name it will change you
- What part of Jesus name do you need this morning
Lessons from a Roller Coaster Life
Join us today as Pastor CJ shares a message on titled Lessons from a Roller Coaster Life.
Key scriptures: Mark 9:2-27
- Lessons from the Mountain Tops
- They don’t last forever
- They are for strength and encouragement
- They prepare us for our mission
- Lessons from the Valley
- Long term battles lead to fatigue and frustration
- Everything is possible with Jesus
- …Chose to believe
- Your doubt does not disqualify you from a miracle
- Jesus restores completely
Water Bailers or Storm Stoppers
Join us today as Pastor CJ shares a message on titled Water Bailers or Storm Stoppers.
Key scriptures: Mark 4:35-41
- Destined for storms
- Trails will come
- Trials are to tear us down and then to build us up
- Christ was asleep during the storm
- Does it feel like God is asleep sometimes when you are going through a trial?
- Are you bailing water when you have Jesus in the boat?
- Jesus is in the boat with us even when it may not seem like it
7 Types of Prayer
Join us today as Pastor Vincent shares a message on 7 types of prayer.
Key scriptures: Matthew 7:7-8; Colossians 4:2; 2 Chronicles 7:14-17
7 Types of prayer:
- 1. Adoration Prayer: John 14:6
- Confession Prayer: Romans 3:23
- Thanksgiving Prayer: 1 Thessalonians 5:18
- Supplication Prayer: Ephesians 1:15-19
- Intercessory Prayer: Matthew 18:19-20
- Affirmation Prayer
- Meditation / Listening Prayer
If we will put these 7 types of prayer into practice, we will grow spiritually. Both in our personal life and as a church.
A Heritage of a Good Good Father
Join us today as Pastor CJ share a message titled A Heritage of a Good Good Father
Key scripture: Psalm 127
- Seek God as the one who builds your home
- Seek God as your provider
- Sense that children are a blessing from God
- Send your child out as arrows
- Archers/Fathers have to be strong spiritually
- Have to care to mold your arrows that they will be straight
- How make them straight:
- Begin telling them early about God
- Be creative in the way you teach them
- Work to build character
- Set limits
- Assign responsibility
- Fill your home with laughter
- Show them God at work in thier family
- Cover them with prayer
Revelation part 8
Join us today as Pastor CJ continues his message on the book of Revelation.
Key scripture: Revelation 7
Don’t Stop Now!
Join us today as Pastor CJ share a message titled Don’t Stop Now! (based on a sermon by Kevin L. Jones)
Key scripture: Haggai 2:1-9
- If we are honest there are times in life when we just want to give up.
- Some of you may be at a point where you are ready to give up
- God has a message for those who are actively… faithfully serving Him. It is a message of encouragement, assurance and motivation
- God does not measure success the way that man does
- Often we become discouraged when we compare our service with the service of others.
- God has called you to serve in a specific place for a specific purpose
- You may want quit, but God is saying “DON’T STOP NOW!” Don’t Be Discouraged… God Sees Your Effort!
- Many times we find ourselves at a point of weakness because we attempt to serve Him on our own power. o If you attempt this you will surely fail!
- There are going to be tough days.
- It is then that we must remember that He who calls us is the One Who equips us.
- God promised them that the “glory of this new temple would be greater than the first one”
- To those who are faithfully serving the Lord, He has a message for you…. DON’T STOP NOW!
- Don’t Be Discouraged… God Sees Your Effort
- Don’t Give Up… God Will Provide Strength
- Don’t Be Afraid… God Is In Control
- Don’t Look Back… God Has A Greater Plan