Hide and Seek or Expect the Enemy’s Defeat

Listen as Pastor CJ shares a message titled Hide and Seek or Expect the Enemy’s Defeat

Key scripture: Judges 6:1-8:35

The steps of Gideon’s victory are easy to trace:
1. he had a promise to believe, (God’s Word)
2. an altar to build, (Communion and Personal Relationship)
3. a vessel to break, (our fear)
4. a lamp to burn, (Live what we believe)
5. and a trumpet to blow. (The courage to sound out the truth..the battle cry)
……And God gave the victory!
– God is looking for a Gideon today
– We must guard against forgetting God and failing to teach our children.
– God can use ordinary people to do ordinary things in a great way.
– Expect God to do mighty things through you! All you have to do is obey!

Spare Change or Change to be Had

Listen as Pastor CJ shares a message titled Spare Change or Change to be Had

Key Scripture: John 5:1-15

1) He had to make a decision to change
2) He had to stop making excuses
3) He had to step out in faith
4) If you need a change stop sinning

The Fear Factor of Fanatical Worship

Listen as Pastor CJ shares a message titled The Fear Factor of Fanatical Worship.

– Fear is an emotion you can’t trust.
– Fear is a tool that God can use.
– What about the Fear of Foolishness?
– If you aren’t willing to look foolish you’re foolish.
– David says, “I will become even more undignified than this.”
-“Worship is the strategy by which we interrupt our preoccupation with ourselves.”

X-mas: Finding What Was Lost – Part 2

Listen in as Pastor CJ shares a message titled X-mas: Finding What Was Lost part 2

Key Scripture: Psalm 23

  • The love of God is expressed to us through His willingness to prepare
  • Today, lets focus on Unearthing Love
  • Preparation is an expression of love
  • We have often referred to Him as a “Way-Maker” because……REAL LOVE PREPARES
  • That’s the real story behind the Christmas story…It’s all about God preparing a way
  • Have you prepared a place for Him in your own life?

X-mas: Finding What Was Lost

Listen in as Pastor CJ shares a message titled X-mas: Finding What Was Lost

Key Scripture: Luke 2:41-52

  • Advent means the coming or arrival
  • It is the celebration of the first coming of Jesus
  • It is the anticipation of the second coming of Jesus
  • It should be our basis of Kingdom Living
  • X-mas wasn’t started to be politically correct
  • It started back in the bible time
  • They would often use the first initial of the words
  • Popular example:
    • English: Jesus Christ, Son of God, Saviour
    • Greek: Iησοῦς Χριστός, Θεοῦ Υἱός, Σωτήρ
    • ΙΧΘΥΣ = Fish in greek
    • The fish today is well know symbol of Christianity
  • Some key lessons Luke 2
  • Who lost Jesus?
    • His parent lost him. Someone who loved and protected him
    • We are all susceptible to drift from the Jesus
  • When they lost Him?
    • Feast of the passover. At an event that was foreshadowing what he was going to do
    • Backsliding can happen if you are carrying a bible under your arm
  • How they lost Him?
    • They were a day away and couldn’t find him
    • have you stopped to see if He is still with you today

Holy Spirit Baptism

Join us today as Pastor CJ shares a message on titled Holy Spirit Baptism.

Key Scripture: John 7:37-39 

  • The Holy Spirit does not force himself to fill us.
  • Jesus offers us streams of living water.
  • What does it mean to be filled with the holy spirit?
    1. Simply put it means to be filled with God, because the Holy Spirit is God.
    2. You are the sacred dwelling place of the Holy Spirit!
    3. Being filled with the spirit is more than just God living within us.
  • We need to believe in Jesus – we need an open mind to be filled with the spirit.
  • How should our mind be open if we are going to be filled with the Holy Spirit?
    1. We need to believe Jesus’ teaching about the baptism in the Holy Spirit applies to all believers.
    2. We also need to believe that Jesus wants to fill us with the Holy Spirit.
    3. We need to have a spiritual desire – our spirit must be willing and thirsty.
    4. We need to receive – we need yield our bodies to the spirit.
    5. Don’t think about speaking in tongues; think about Jesus!