Through the Fire

Join us this morning as Pastor Vincent share a messaged titled Through the Fire.

Key scripture: James 1:2-4

– There are many ways that trials come into our life
– When God gives us dreams we have to prepare ourselves to receive but wait on God’s timing
– Some people think that when they become a christian that all their problems go away but that doesn’t line up with scripture
– When you go through the same problems as unbelievers but keep our faith, that is when our light shine bright to them
– Do not dispair when trials come but rejoice
– Let God shine through you trial and show how great He is
– No matter what comes our way, God has it, God is in control

Renewing our Spiritual Passions

Join us this morning as Pastor Nathaniel shares a message titled If You are Renewing our Spiritual Passions

– To knew our Spiritual passion we have to avoid things that kill our spiritual passion

  • Unbalanced schedule
  • Unused talent
  • Unconfessed sin
  • Unresolved conflict
  • Under nourished spirit

– There are 3 spiritual discipline that if we apply will help us renew our spiritual passions

  1. Be still
  2. To wait
  3. Reflect on the goodness of God

– This week look for opportunities to still our hearts before God, wait upon the Lord, and reflect on God’s Goodness daily

If You are Waiting for a Sign Here it is

Join us tonight was Pastor CJ shares a message titled If You are Waiting for a Sign Here it is

Key scripture: Matthew 5:17-20

– Ceremonial law: how Israel is supposed to worship God through sacrifice
– Civil law: how they were to live and conduct business
– Moral Law: e.g. 10 commandments; strict obedience
– Ceremonial law is not required due to Jesus’ sacrifice for us
– Civil law was more about the time period and doesn’t apply to us
– Moral law is still in full force today
– Not in an effort to be right with God, but because we love him
– If we mess up there is still grace, but shouldn’t use that as a license to sin
– Out of love and obedience to a God who loved me so much to send his own son to die for us, I will follow the law to honor him
– Goal is not to sin but when I do I have an advocate
– Our attempt to be perfect only reveals our need for a savior

6 Superpowers of The Supernatural Church: Stewardship

Join us this morning as Pastor CJ shares a message titled: 6 Superpowers of The Supernatural Church: Stewardship

Key scripture: Mark 12:41-44

– Stewardship is about a giving heart
– It is about more than giving money
– The wealthy gave for:

  • Self-Promotion
  • Social Prejudice

– The widow gave out of a:

  • Heart of Self-Denying
  • Heart of Sacrifice
  • Heart of Surrender

– We should be a church that is:

  • Devoted
  • Different
  • Making a Difference

6 Super Powers of the Supernatural Church: Worship

Join us today as Pastor CJ shares the first part of a six part series: 6 Super Powers of the Supernatural Church: Worship

Key Scripture: John 4: 19-26

– The first super power is Worship
– We see false worship in the world today
– False worship is selective worship
– People pick and choose who/what to worship…only take the food that taste good off the buffet
– Jesus said we have to worship in spirit and truth
– Can’t just be spirit and no truth
– Can’t just be truth and spirit
– Spirit of God is always moving…we just choose to engage or not
– Do you worship as fire insurance or love for Him?
– God is trying to break you done (through worship) so he can put us back together the way he intended – How do we worship in spirit and truth:

  1. Declaring who God is to you (Psalms 47:7-8)
  2. Thanksgiving for God’s provisions (Psalms 126:2-3)
  3. Celebrating God’s promises (Psalms 31:19)
  4. Acknowledging God’s presence (Psalms 139:7-10)
  5. Rejoicing in God’s path to life (Psalms 16:9-11)
  6. Responding to God’s personal call (Psalms 37:39-40)

– When God calls…We have to respond
– If we don’t we will often create our own problems
– When we worship so that we can STAND (Sprint [and] Truth And Now Different)
– Worship is a sacrifice…used to take their most prized possession and sacrifice it before God…are you willing to bring your prized lamb to sacrifice in worship today
– Stop looking for man-made substitutes
– Instead allow yourselves to be fill with what will truly fulfill us

The Vending Machine Spiritual Diet: You Are What You Eat

Listen in as Pastor CJ shares a message titled: The Vending Machine Spiritual Diet:
You Are What You Eat

Key Scripture: Matthew 5:6

– We are not only physically spoiled in America. We are also spiritually spoiled.
– How can Christians living in a culture of such excess keep a healthy spiritual appetite?
– Eat right: Ask God to help you cultivate a daily hunger for Him and for His Word!
– Exercise your faith: you’ve got to take your faith out of church on Sunday and give it some exercise during the week!
– Work out with Jesus: What would it be like to have Jesus for your personal spiritual fitness trainer every day?

When The World Wants a Yes man Make Them a Naaman

Listen in as Pastor CJ shares a message titled: When The World Wants a Yes man Make Them a Naaman

Scripture: 2 Kings 5

– Naaman was a general and commander of the army of a kingdom known as Aram which was to the north of Israel
– General Naaman had everything…everything except good health, that is
– Naaman had leprosy
– Naaman should have come to the Lord’s Prophet on his knees
– He came with all the glory and power that he could muster…He had his king write the king of Israel, brought 7501lbs of Silver and 150lbs of gold
– Elisha doesn’t even come out to meet him
– He sent his messenger out who tells the general to go wash in the Jordan River seven times
– Naaman had to humble himself to be healed
– Through being healed Naaman says, “Now I know that there is no God in all the world except in Israel.” (2 kings 5:15)
– Why don’t you do what the servant girl did?
– Point them to the great Prophet Priest and King that is our Savior Jesus to whom every knee shall bow and every tongue confess.
– He is “the way, the truth and the life”
– He is the World’s only option.

Risking Your Assets for God’s Return on Investment In You

Listen in as Pastor CJ shares a message titled: Risking Your Assets for God’s Return on Investment In You

Scripture: Esther 4

1. First, we see that God will put us in the right place at the right to serve him and to accomplish his will.
2. God’s plan will be accomplished even if we don’t participate.
3. We cooperate with God to accomplish his work.
4. God is at work in the hearts and lives of individuals–even those who don’t know him.