
Learn 9.4 Devotionals (for Sunday 7/31) – Wednesday



Key Ideas


Faith Fact

I will help others go.


Faith Verse

Matthew 28:19 (NLT)

“Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.”


Question of the Day: How can I be part of helping all the world know Jesus?

Read about It

Read: Acts 1:8

The promise that Jesus gave to His followers in today’s Bible reading was the promise of one of the greatest gifts: the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit does many things to help us in our relationship with God, including giving us power and boldness to tell everyone about Jesus. Jesus told His disciples to go into Jerusalem, which was their town, and into Judea and Samaria, which were their surrounding areas, and to the ends of the earth. He wanted them to go into all the world and tell everyone about who He is and what He had done. And they could do this through the power of the Holy Spirit.

If you are wondering how you can be part of helping all the world know Jesus, the answer is that the Holy Spirit will help you tell people everywhere about Jesus. God wants to use us right now, wherever we are, to tell others about Him. He also calls people to go to other parts of the world as missionaries. They may have to learn a different language and live in a different culture to tell people about Jesus. Whether we go somewhere or stay where we are, we need the power of the Holy Spirit! He can use us to tell others about Jesus around the world.

Talk about It


Question 1. Who is the special gift Jesus promised to send?

Answer 1. The Holy Spirit (Acts 1:8)


Question 2. How does the Holy Spirit help us witness?

Answer 2. He gives us power to witness. (Acts 1:8)


Question 3. Where did Jesus say His disciples would be witnesses to?

Answer 3. Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and to the ends of the earth (Acts 1:8)


Question 4. What are some ways we can tell others about Jesus where we are right now?

Answer 4. Answers may vary.

Question 5. How can we help someone else be a missionary to the places we can’t go to right now?

Answer 5. Answers may vary, but can include praying for them and giving so they can go.


Pray about It

Jesus, thank You for the power of the Holy Spirit to help us be Your witnesses. May there be missionaries sent to every part of the world so that the whole world can come to know You. Amen.



Learn 9.4 Devotionals (for Sunday 7/31) – Tuesday


Key Ideas


Faith Fact

I will help others go.


Faith Verse

Matthew 28:19 (NLT)

“Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.”


Question of the Day: How does God use my prayers to send others?

Read about It

Read: Luke 10:2

Have you ever gone down a long country road in the fall and seen fields filled with crops? Every year when the crops grow ripe, the farmers must harvest, or bring in the crops. This is a big, long job that can take lots of people to manage. If a farmer is left to do it alone, he may miss part of the harvest because he can’t do it all himself. If farmers wait too long, insects or plant diseases can attack and ruin the crops, not only for the current year but for years to come. Harvesting is a big and important job.

When Jesus talked about the harvest in Luke 10, He was talking about people, not crops. He was talking about people who are ready to believe in Him and live as His disciples. There are people all over the world who are ready to come to Jesus, but more workers are needed to tell them about Jesus and help them grow in their relationship with God. He is in charge of the harvest, and we are His workers. Jesus said that we should pray and ask that more workers would join us to help bring in the harvest. These workers can be people we know or people we don’t know, as well as people who go all over the world. The people who go around the world or to special groups like motorcycle clubs, prisoners, or hospital workers are called missionaries. Our prayers for missionaries and for the harvest workers make a big difference.

Talk about It


Question 1. In the Scripture reading today, what was the problem with the full harvest?

Answer 1. There weren’t enough workers. (Luke 10:2)


Question 2. What should we do to help more harvesters get to the field?

Answer 2. We should pray and ask the Lord to send more workers. (Luke 10:2)


Question 3. What countries around the world can you think of that may not have enough people there telling others about Jesus?

Answer 3. Answers may vary.


Question 4. What could happen if Jesus’ followers do not go to these places and share about Jesus?

Answer 4. Answers may vary.


Question 5. How can your prayers make a difference in sending people to be missionaries, both around the world and here in our country?

Answer 5. Answers may vary but can include that God often moves when we pray.



Pray about It

God, I ask that You would send more people to tell others about You, both close to where I am and around the world. May I be faithful to pray for more workers for the harvest field and for many people to come to know Jesus. Amen.



Learn 9.4 Devotionals (for Sunday 7/31) – Monday


Key Ideas


Faith Fact

I will help others go.


Faith Verse

Matthew 28:19 (NLT)

“Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.”


Question of the Day: Why does God want the whole world to know about Jesus?

Read about It

Read: Matthew 28:19

No two people are alike: every person who has ever lived is different from everyone else! Hair color, eye color, skin color, language, culture, favorite foods, favorite animals—we are all different! You may live in a city or small town or out in the country, but there are people who live in the most remote places of the world who don’t have any contact outside of their group. Can you imagine that? Life for them is very different from life for us!

Jesus told us to make disciples of all the nations—all the people who are different from us, not just those who are like us. He wants everyone to be in relationship with Him and to find life through Him. He doesn’t want people to just pray a quick simple prayer and return to their life without Him. No, a disciple is more than that: A disciple is someone who follows Jesus by surrendering their life to His plans and purposes. This is why God wants the whole world to know about Jesus: God loves every person so much that He sent Jesus to die in our place and take the punishment for our sins. He wants to fulfill each person’s life by making them disciples, lifelong followers of Jesus. And Jesus can use you to reach people around the world for Him!

Talk about It


Question 1. Who does God want to be disciples of Jesus?

Answer 1. All the nations (Matthew 28:19)


Question 2. Why should all the world know Jesus?

Answer 2. Answers may vary but can include Jesus’ desire to have a relationship with everyone from every nation and how this leads to eternal life for each person who does know and follow Him.



Question 3. What’s the difference between saying a simple prayer and being a disciple of Jesus?

Answer 3. Answers may vary, but one is not a life change and the other is a lifestyle of following Jesus every day.


Question 4. Who do you know who is very different from you but still needs to know about Jesus?

Answer 4. Answers may vary.


Question 5. How does God use people to tell the world about Jesus?

Answer 5. Answers may vary.



Pray about It

God, thank You for the relationship that I can have with You through Jesus. Help me to be part of Your plan to make disciples and help the whole world come to know Jesus. Amen.



Learn 9.3 Devotionals (for Sunday 7/24) – Thursday


Key Ideas


Faith Fact

I will lead others.


Faith Verse

Matthew 28:19 (NLT)

“Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.”


Question of the Day: How can I help make disciples of all the nations?

Read about It

Read: 2 Timothy 1:5–7, 13–14

Before firetrucks were used to put out fires, people came together to form what was called a bucket brigade. When there was fire, people grabbed empty buckets and formed a line that started at a water source and ended at the fire. Carefully, buckets of water would be passed down the line until the last person in the line threw the water on the fire to put the fire out. Everyone in the line had to work together to make sure that water was not spilled, buckets weren’t dropped, and that water got to the fire as quickly as possible.

Think of Jesus as water and your life as a bucket. God wants us to bring His water, Jesus, to others—so we must keep sharing about Jesus with them! Jesus is our greatest treasure, and God wants for us to tell others about Him so they can choose to follow Him. We can pass on the truths of God’s Word from person to person. As we all pass it on, the people of the world will have a chance to hear about Jesus. There will be growing disciples of Jesus who will continue to pass on His good news to others until He comes again.

Talk about It


Question 1. In our Scripture reading, which two people passed on their faith to Timothy?

Answer 1. Timothy’s grandmother Lois and Timothy’s mother Eunice, who passed their faith on to Timothy (2 Timothy 1:5)


Question 2. If you’re nervous about telling others about Jesus, what are the three things God has given us to help us?

Answer 2. Power, love, and self-discipline (2 Timothy 1:7)


Question 3. Can you name someone who has taught you about Jesus? What are some of the ways that person taught you?

Answer 3. Answers will vary.

Question 4. What are some ways you can teach the truth to those around you?

Answer 4. Answers may vary.


Question 5. Who helps us guard the truth, and where does He live?

Answer 5. The Holy Spirit who lives within us (1 Timothy 1:14)


Pray about It

God, thank You for the people in my life who taught me about You. Help me carry Your truths to those around me and be part of making disciples of all the nations. Amen.



Learn 9.3 Devotionals (for Sunday 7/24) – Wednesday



Key Ideas


Faith Fact

I will lead others.


Faith Verse

Matthew 28:19 (NLT)

“Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.”

Question of the Day: Why should we have friends who help us grow in our faith?

Read about It

Read: 2 Timothy 3:10–11

In order to get to know someone, you have to spend time together. It’s not good enough just to have a quick conversation in the hallway at school or send them a quick text every few months. To get to know people, you have to spend time with them. And to get to know God, you have to spend time with Him—and other people who love God.

As we spend time with people who love Jesus, we can learn from them and help one other grow to be more like Jesus. Your friend may go through a hard time, and you can encourage him because you’ve gone through something hard, too. Or maybe you have some questions about God, and your friend has asked the same questions. She may have some help to share with you. As we spend time in relationship and friendship with other Christians, we can help to encourage each other in our relationship with God.

Talk about It


Question 1. How do you think Timothy knew so much about Paul?

Answer 1. Timothy had spent time with Paul.


Question 2. What are some things Timothy got to know about Paul?

Answer 2. What he taught, how he lived, what his purpose in life was, his faith, his patience, his love, his endurance, and the persecution and suffering he had endured (2 Timothy 3:10–11)


Question 3. Why do we need friends who will encourage us and lead us toward Jesus?

Answer 3. Answers may vary.


Question 4. How can we be the kind of friend who leads others to Jesus?

Answer 4. Answers may vary.


Question 5. Who are some friends that you can talk with about Jesus?

Answer 5. Answers may vary.


Pray about It

God, help me to surround myself with people who are leading me to grow in my relationship with You. Help me to be that same kind of friend to others. Amen.



Learn 9.3 Devotionals (for Sunday 7/24) – Tuesday


Key Ideas


Faith Fact

I will lead others.


Faith Verse

Matthew 28:19 (NLT)

“Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.”


Question of the Day: When can I lead others?


Read about It

Read: 1 Timothy 4:12

There are many things you can’t do when you are younger. You can’t have a driver’s license. You can’t have a full-time job. You can’t register to vote. All of these things require you to be a certain age to do them. Can you think of more things that you want to do but have to wait until you’re older? There is one thing that doesn’t have an age requirement, and you can do this right now, even if you’re young. You can live your life to follow Jesus and be an example to those around you.

No matter your age, people are watching your life and the choices you make. Is the way you’re living your life pointing people to God, or is it pointing people away from God? He can use you, no matter what age you are, to influence those around you. Your life makes a difference!

Talk about It


Question 1. Does it matter to God how old you are when He’s looking for someone to help lead others to Him?

Answer 1. No. “Don’t let anyone think less of you because you are young.” (1 Timothy 4:12)


Question 2. What are five ways that today’s Bible verse says we can set examples for those around us?

Answer 2. We should be an example by what we say, the way we live, our love, our faith, and our purity. (1 Timothy 4:12)


Question 3. What can happen when we aren’t a good example?

Answer 3. Answers may vary.


Question 4. Who may be watching your life that needs a good example to point them to Jesus?

Answer 4. Answers may vary.


Question 5. What is one area that you need God’s help in to be a better example to others?

Answer 5. Answers may vary.



Pray about It

God, help me to always be mindful of other people watching my life. May the way I live my life lead others to You. Amen.



Learn 9.3 Devotionals (for Sunday 7/24) – Monday


Key Ideas


Faith Fact

I will lead others.


Faith Verse

Matthew 28:19 (NLT)

“Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.”


Question of the Day: What kind of leader should I be?

Read about It

Read: 1 Corinthians 11:1–2

Have you played the game Follow-the-Leader? In the game, one person is the leader, and everyone in the group must copy everything the leader does. For instance, if the leader walks backward around the room while patting her head and rubbing her elbow, everyone else does the same thing. You win if you never stop following the leader.

In our Scripture today, Paul was writing to Christians in Corinth, where he had started a church. He was one of their leaders, and he was telling them to follow him while he was following Jesus Christ. The Corinthian Christians’ leader was Paul, and Paul’s leader was Jesus! Paul wanted them all to follow Jesus together.

We can learn from this that we should all be leaders who follow Jesus. It’s important for us to have people in our life who we can follow as they live for Jesus. They may make mistakes, but we can learn and grow in our relationship with God by watching their walk with God. In the same way, we can be an example to others and be a leader who leads people to Jesus.

Talk about It


Question 1. Whose example do good leaders follow?

Answer 1. Jesus (1 Corinthians 11:1)


Question 2. How can we be a leader who helps others grow in their walk with God?

Answer 2. Answers may vary, but can include passing on to others the things we’ve learned about God. (1 Corinthians 11:2)


Question 3. What are some things about your relationship with God that you’ve learned from someone else?

Answer 3. Answers may vary.

Question 4. What are some things about God that you have taught and passed on to others?

Answer 4. Answers may vary.


Question 5. What is something you can do to encourage others to imitate Jesus?

Answer 5. Answers may vary.



Pray about It

Jesus, thank You for being the greatest Leader. Help me to follow You in the way I live my life so I can help others grow in their relationship with You. Amen.



Learn 9.2 Devotionals (for Sunday 7/10) – Thursday


Key Ideas


Faith Fact

I will tell others about Jesus.


Faith Verse

Matthew 28:19 (NLT)

“Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.”


Question of the Day: How can I tell others about Jesus?

Read about It

Read: 1 Peter 3:13–16

If you were trying to learn how to play a new sport, what would be the easier way to learn: have someone yell the rules at you or have someone show you how to play? Obviously, it would be the second option!

The world is watching how we live if we claim to be a follower of Jesus. At times, they may ask us why we do things differently or why we believe in Jesus. It’s important for us share about Jesus in gentle and kind ways, being an example of Jesus’ love for them. As we make daily choices that follow Jesus and show His love by the way we treat others, they will be able to see Jesus in us. God will use our life as a living example of Jesus’ love and others will want to know about the hope we have.

Talk about It


Question 1. Are people always going to accept the truth of Jesus when we tell them?

Answer 1. No, they may make threats or we may suffer for it, but we don’t need to worry or be afraid. (1 Peter 3:13)



Question 2. When someone asks about the hope we have, what should we say?

Answer 2. We should be ready to explain it. (1 Peter 3:15)


Question 3. Why should we tell others about Jesus in a gentle and respectful way?

Answer 3. Answers may vary.


Question 4. What are some things you can do that will tell others about Jesus?

Answer 4. Answers may vary.


Question 5. Who may be watching how we live our life and need to know about Jesus?

Answer 5. Answers may vary.


Pray about It

God, help me to always represent You well. May I always be prepared to tell others of the hope I have found in You. Amen.



Learn 9.2 Devotionals (for Sunday 7/10) – Wednesday



Key Ideas


Faith Fact

I will tell others about Jesus.


Faith Verse

Matthew 28:19 (NLT)

“Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.”


Question of the Day: What keeps you from telling others about Jesus?

Read about It

Read: Psalm 40:9–10

Fear can keep us from doing many things. Maybe being afraid of spiders can keep us from walking barefoot. Being afraid of meeting new people can keep us from making new friends at school. Being afraid of what other people may think can keep us from telling other people about Jesus.

God knows that we have fear—and He is ready to help us. When we know Jesus, we have one of the greatest gifts that other people need to know about! We can’t allow fear to keep us from speaking about what God has done in our life. So, go on, be bold, and tell everyone around you about the good news of Jesus!

Talk about It


Question 1. What are some things you’re afraid of?

Answer 1. Answers may vary.


Question 2. If you had no fear, what would you do?

Answer 2. Answers may vary.


Question 3. According to our Scripture reading today, what can we tell people about God?

Answer 3. That He is just, faithful, able to save, powerful, and loving (Psalm 40:9–10)


Question 4. What may keep you from telling others about Jesus?

Answer 4. Answers may vary.


Question 5. Have you asked God today to help you not be afraid? Why or why not?

Answer 5. Answers may vary.


Pray about It

God, I want others to know who You are and what You have done. Help me to not be afraid to tell others about You. Amen.