Pastor CJ discusses how that in today’s society it’s not socially acceptable and commonly considered as judgement, we tend to do people the disservice of not sharing the whole truth.
Anti Christ
Pastor CJ speaks of the dangers we are soon facing as the prophecy of the Bible comes to life and we get closer and closer to the time of Jesus return. Trusting and knowing Christ Jesus and hearing his voice is the only way that we will not be deceived by false teaching and be led astray.
Chicago City Limits Ministries
Pastor Tim Thomas visits from Chicago’s City Limits Ministries to share about the work that God is doing in his area. He also shares about how sometimes when you feel like you are out of God’s will, that really it’s about His purpose and seeking him will uncover that truth.
The Alarm Clock
Pastor CJ reminds us that the signs and the state of affairs in this world all point like an alarm clock for the church.
Relationships That Are Built To Last..
Pastor CJ shares about one of the most important foundational elements of our lives, building relationships with our church family really does help us to build a stronger relationship with the Lord.
Fathers… We Can Do Better
Pastor Clyde Brummett SR. speaks about his experiences as a father and that in some of those challenges, we aren’t always enough on our own. Through the grace of God we can do better when we understand that the Lord can fill that gap.
End of The World?…
Pastor CJ shares about some of the misinformation of man’s interpretation of the end of the world. He reminds us what the Bible says about how we should approach this subject and where our trust should lie.
Be Hungry…Be Blessed
Pastor CJ Challenges God’s people to trade the hunger for the things of this world for a hunger to know the Lord..”In our time conscious world, have we scheduled out God? What’s really important? Are you spending time with God? “
Investing In Boats
Missionary Mario Duque shares about the work he and his family are doing in Miami Florida, along with a great message!
Doris Brummett speaks about the life of a Pastor’s Wife and Mother and Tara Colt, Newsong’s Children’s Pastor speaks about the importance of mothers instilling some basic the principles into their children’s lives.