Pastor CJ speaks about Declaring and Demonstrating Your Devotion To The King
No Worry November Part 2
Pastor CJ speaks about worry.
No Worry November
Pastor CJ speaks about worry.
Overcoming October – Replacing Halloween With Hosanna Part 4
Pastor CJ speaks about letting fear overcome us and the blessings that we can miss out on if we allow it.
Overcoming October – Replacing Halloween With Hosanna Part 3
Pastor CJ speaks.
Overcoming October – Replacing Halloween With Hosanna
Pastor CJ speaks.
Where In The H. E. Double Hockey Sticks Is the Ice Much Less The Game?
Pastor CJ discusses the deception with it being ok to joke about Hell and evil things and the danger of desensitization.
Native American Ministry
Jim and Sue Comer, Assemblies of God U.S. Missionaries to Native America!
Conflict Resolution
Pastor CJ asks… WWYDWJITYWTD? or “What Would You Do When Jesus Is Telling You What To Do?”
Lanterns in the Lighthouse
Pastor CJ