Pastor CJ and Worship Pastor Ken Ferguson tag-team to share the importance of keeping our faith in God strong and actually acting out and walking in that faith.
Financial Wisdom – Listening to God
Pastor CJ explains the importance of giving back to the One who provides.
When All You’re Pack’n is Dead Donkeys and Fiery Foxes… Stand
Pastor CJ explains the importance of standing up against the plans of the enemy and standing strong for the Lord.
The Great Escape
Pastor CJ talks about how God has a rhyme and reason for everything that happens, both good and bad, and if you just stick with it God has a spot set out for you in the Kingdom.
What’s Love Got To Do With It
Pastor CJ talks about what God may ask us to do in the name of obedience for the good of everyone and how sometimes it means looking bad for the sake of others.
Time to Revive
Pastor CJ shares the steps for revival.
Are You Fired Up or Frizzled Out?
Pastor CJ shares the importance of your relationship with God. Are you down for the count or will you ask the Lord to pick you back up?
Women’s Teen Challenge
Women’s Teen Challenge share their testimonies and what Teen Challenge is about
Take Your Victory Lap
Pastor CJ explains the importance of being a victor in the Kingdom.
The Rise of Victory
Pastor CJ explains that the rise to victory takes a fight that involves brothers and sisters in Christ.