
Live 10.4 Devotionals (for Sunday 9/17) – Thursday


Key Ideas


Faith Fact

We can help new Christians.


Faith Verse

Ephesians 4:3 (NLT)

Make every effort to keep yourselves united in the Spirit, binding yourselves together with peace.


Question of the Day: How should Jesus’ example affect how we treat new Christians?

Read about It

Read: Philippians 2:1–5

If you walked into most schools at lunch, you would probably see kids sitting together in different groups. There might be groups who like to study, play a sport, play video games, or play musical instruments. But sometimes, there might be kids who feel like they don’t fit in, and they sit alone. Imagine being the new kid in school at lunch. Sounds pretty lonely, right?

When people choose to follow Jesus for the first time, their whole life changes. Jesus may show them things that they need to change—including the people they hang out with. This can make these new Christians feel very lonely. As followers of Jesus, God wants us to make sure that we are looking out for people who are new to serving Jesus. We can get so busy doing what interests us that we don’t make time to help others. Instead, He wants us to invite them to our activities and be friends with them. This will help them feel safe in the family of God and grow in their relationship with Him. Jesus welcomed us into His family, and we should follow His lead by accepting new believers as well.

Talk about It


Question 1. How did our Scripture today describe how our hearts should be?

Answer 1. Tender and compassionate (Philippians 2:1)


Question 2. What kind of attitude does today’s Scripture say we should have?

Answer 2. We should have the same attitude that Christ Jesus had. (Philippians 2:5)


Question 3. When was a time that you felt excluded from a group, and how did it make you feel?

Answer 3. Answers will vary.



Question 4. Why is it important for us to make sure we include new Christians?

Answer 4. This will help them feel safe in the family of God and grow in their relationship with Him.


Question 5. How should Jesus’ example affect how we treat new Christians?

Answer 5. Jesus welcomed us into His family and we should follow His example by accepting new believers as well.


Pray about It

Dear God, thank You for the way that You have accepted us and for giving us a place to belong. Help us to have open eyes to see people who need to be included and to do what we can to help them grow in their faith in You. Amen.



Live 10.4 Devotionals (for Sunday 9/17) – Wednesday


Key Ideas


Faith Fact

We can help new Christians.


Faith Verse

Ephesians 4:3 (NLT)

Make every effort to keep yourselves united in the Spirit, binding yourselves together with peace.


Question of the Day: Why should we help new Christians grow in their faith?

Read about It

Read: Matthew 28:19–20

A person can’t choose to be a firefighter and be ready right away to start fighting large house fires. And someone doesn’t decide to be a surgeon and start working in the operating room right away. These people start out with the basics. They grow in their training by studying and learning from others who know more than they do. As they learn and grow, they develop their skills and learn more about how to do their jobs.

When Jesus commanded the disciples to go into all the world, He said to go and make disciples. Disciples are followers of Jesus. Jesus wants His followers to spend time with new believers, showing them the ropes and helping them when they have questions. He wants His followers to teach God’s Word and show others what it means to live for Jesus. This command that He gave to His disciples long ago continues today. Jesus wants us to help new believers grow in following God.

Talk about It


Question 1. What command did Jesus give His disciples in today’s Scripture?

Answer 1. He said, “Go and make disciples of all the nations.” (Matthew 28:19)


Question 2. What did Jesus want new disciples to be taught?

Answer 2. All the commands that Jesus had given His disciples (Matthew 28:20)


Question 3. What are some ways we can show new Christians what it means to follow Jesus?

Answer 3. Answers will vary.


Question 4. What could happen to a new Christian who has to figure out following Jesus on their own?

Answer 4. Answers will vary.


Question 5. Why should we help new Christians grow in their faith?

Answer 5. We should do this because Jesus wants us to.


Pray about It

Dear God, help us to be active in helping new people not only come to You, but also learn how to follow You. Amen.



Live 10.4 Devotionals (for Sunday 9/17) – Tuesday


Key Ideas


Faith Fact

We can help new Christians.


Faith Verse

Ephesians 4:3 (NLT)

Make every effort to keep yourselves united in the Spirit, binding yourselves together with peace.


Question of the Day: How can we be like Barnabas?

Read about It

Read: Acts 9:26–31

Have you ever heard the phrase, “Don’t judge a book by its cover”? These words mean that you can’t always tell what’s on the inside based on what you can see on the outside. This is a little like what some Christians in Jerusalem were doing to Saul. They were judging him because of his actions that they had seen in the past rather than the inside change that Jesus had made. But Saul was a changed man, and he needed the support of other believers so he could stay alive and tell others about Jesus.

Sometimes, Christians have trouble looking past how someone used to live before they came to Jesus. Instead of bringing the new believers close to encourage them in their new faith, they are pushed away by other Christians. Saul needed Barnabas to stand up for him, to celebrate what God had done in his life and be a friend who helped Saul become part of the community of faith. God wants us to be like Barnabas in this way and make sure that every new believer feels welcome in the family of God.

Talk about It


Question 1. How did the believers in Jerusalem treat Saul when he first arrived there?

Answer 1. They were afraid of him and wouldn’t meet with him. (Acts 9:26)


Question 2. How did Barnabas help Saul in this story?

Answer 2. Barnabas brought Saul to the apostles, told them what God had done in Saul’s life, and helped him get connected with other Christians. (Acts 9:27)


Question 3. Have you ever judged someone before you knew their whole story? Why or why not?

Answer 3. Answers will vary.


Question 4. Why do you think God wants us to help new believers?

Answer 4. Answers will vary.


Question 5. How can we be like Barnabas?

Answer 5. We can make sure that every new believer feels welcome in the family of God.


Pray about It

Dear God, thank You for the way that You can completely change someone’s life. Help me to be like Barnabas and help new believers feel welcome in Your family. Amen.