When The World Wants a Yes man Make Them a Naaman

Listen in as Pastor CJ shares a message titled: When The World Wants a Yes man Make Them a Naaman

Scripture: 2 Kings 5

– Naaman was a general and commander of the army of a kingdom known as Aram which was to the north of Israel
– General Naaman had everything…everything except good health, that is
– Naaman had leprosy
– Naaman should have come to the Lord’s Prophet on his knees
– He came with all the glory and power that he could muster…He had his king write the king of Israel, brought 7501lbs of Silver and 150lbs of gold
– Elisha doesn’t even come out to meet him
– He sent his messenger out who tells the general to go wash in the Jordan River seven times
– Naaman had to humble himself to be healed
– Through being healed Naaman says, “Now I know that there is no God in all the world except in Israel.” (2 kings 5:15)
– Why don’t you do what the servant girl did?
– Point them to the great Prophet Priest and King that is our Savior Jesus to whom every knee shall bow and every tongue confess.
– He is “the way, the truth and the life”
– He is the World’s only option.

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