Mighty Mouse

Join us today as Pastor CJ shares with us a message entitled Mighty Mouse.

Key Scriptures:
Isaiah 53:5
Psalm 103:2-4

Bible says God is…

1) Mighty to save.

* Romans 1:16
* Salvation brings us power for…

– Peace (Philippians 4:7)
– Security (1 Peter 1:4-5)
– Service (Acts 1:8)

2) Mighty to deliver.

* 1 John 1:9
* 2 types of snares

– Ones that maim/kill
– Ones that capture

* 2nd type is the one used by Satan most often
* makes you feel like everything is ok and you get the “prize” until you realize that you can’t get out
* One of the keys is to recognize when Satan has setup a trap
* most of time we can trace temptation back to 4 things (remember HALT)

Hungry – Are you hungry?
Angry – Are you Angry about something?
Lonely – Have you been spending too much time away from spouse/family?
Tired – Have you take time to rest / Have you spent the time with the Lord that you should be?

3) Mighty to heal.

* Sickness is not part of God’s plan
* brought about by sin entering into the world
* God can use sickness to draw people to him
* How should we deal with sickness (Isaiah 53:5)

– Address the sin first (James 5: 14-15)
– Go to God first and pray for healing
– Go to the doctor
– Even if the doctor is the one who facilitates your healing…give GOD the praise
– Even if healing doesn’t come on earth…realize that healing will ultimately come in heaven